Use these special rules for the Dark Tower American Cancer Society Charity event to your advantage to elevate your peasants to new heights against the evil taint of Set within the Towers! Will the blessings of Mitra bring you to victory against the vile minions of Set? Your faith and numbers will be the key to your success!


The more of Mitra’s faithful who fight to clear the dwelling evil of Set, the more powerful advantages your spirits provide! Refer to the table below for your bonuses in game – this will give your meager peasants great power in numbers! RECRUIT your fellow friends to the cause! Victory against the dark minions await!

Mitra’s Devout PlayingBenefits to the cause!
5+1 to hit at all times, pay $1 to imbue spirit into your hit and effect as magical weapon for the undead
10every player gets a +1 magic bonus (total) to hit and damage with the spirit imbued
15every player gets a +2 magic bonus (total)  to hit and damage with the spirit imbued
18Additionally, all attacks and spells move up the die chain one, however, so do any fumbles


The heroes of Mitra who fell in the battle against the vile Set can be called back for the glory of Mitra through your humble characters! Your faith and power of MItra’s Light within you act as a beacon to the souls of the mighty dead to return through your body!

Bringing back the Avatars are not random – your peasants will gain these links through their deeds and soul bonds to the Mitriac Heroes of old!

Rules for the Summoning of Avatars

  • Spirit Check is rolled – Current Spirit Bonus (Personality Bonus) + Spirit Burn (As Spellburn – Minimum 1!), for a DC 13 Spirit Check.
  • Ending the Spiral – You may donate to bond the avatar’s soul with your current character. (See Bond Avatar donation) Your current character no longer needs to Spirit Burn to summon their avatar. (But you may for the bonus!) Your character gains a +1d3 Spirit Check bonus in addition to your Personality modifier for calling your Avatar.
  • Length of Avatar Possession – The spirit of the conquered hero will overtake your mortal vessel! The hero will manifest with all the skills and items they possessed at the time of their death. The duration of the possession is 2 + 1d4 rounds.
  • Maintaining Avatar Possession – Roll Spirit Check (with same requirements) with an additional +1 to the DC per additional round the avatar anchored. A failed check breaks the connection unless a donation is given.
  • Maintain the Avatar Possession Through Donation – You may give to the cause to keep up the fight! The donation schedule is as follows
    • 1st round – $1 donation
    • 2nd round – $2 donation
    • 3rd round – $4 donation
    • 4th round – $8 donation
    • etc
  • Hero Renewed! – The avatars return in their restored form when they are re-summoned, however, when they return to their domain, you must wait a round to bring the avatar back.
  • Judge Meddling! – A donation of $5 from a Judge or other participant will give a -2 penalty to the Spirit Roll! An equal donation will negate this penalty!
  • Avatars Remain – To maintain the momentum of the game, found avatars remain with the party that recovered them should a player need to leave.


There are many allies of Mitra spread throughout the White Tower and dungeon levels that can be freed or convinced to help the cause in combat.You unlock Allies by restoring the sacred Lion Statue of Mitra retrieving its pieces in the Towers and dungeon!

Rules for Obtaining Allies

  1. When the number of pieces has been reached to unlock the Allies, they can be freed to join your party!  Your party much reach them in the dungeon with enough soul power from the Light of Mitra to free them!
  2. When you find them, the power of Mitra will free entities with a donation (See the Enlist Ally donation.)
  3. Allies are like extra characters.  They are devoted to Mitra and trust that their death will be rewarded in his Light. As long as what they are commanded to do it not foolish or evil, they will comply to the best of their ability.
    1. Allies take damage like normal characters if their defenses are overcome.
    2. They must be healed like any other character, through magic healing or the application of donation effects.
    3. If the Ally has died, it is lost for the rest of the game.


Our sponsors, Marz Press and Frog God Games have supplied awesome accessory decks to enhance the game and bring incredible boons to the cause! These will be a gamechanger for our devouts’ survival!

  • Marz Press: Deck of Mighty Peasant Deeds
    • Marzio Muscedere has graciously provided us with this pre-release Deck of Might Peasant Deeds for the event! Turn your peasant into a HERO OF THE MITRA!
    • Your $3 (or 2 for $5 if parties want to gear up!) donation will purchase Mighty Peasant Deeds for your 0-level! A roll of a 6 on your d6 deed die gives you your peasant deed! Additionally, we are extending this concept – use the deed on the card, or use any occupation-related deed you can think of and it will happen the roll of a 6!
    • You are guaranteed your Might Peasant Deed for 30 minutes! If your 0-level dies within that time, come back in with the new occupation’s mighty deed for that character as well!
    • You can enhance this benefit in combat. The Blessed Peasants Deed donation of $3 allows your 0-level to use peasant mighty deeds on a roll of 5 or 6 for a single encounter.
  • Frog God Games: Bill Webb’s Deck of Dirty Tricks Vols 1, 2 and 3
    • The Decks of Dirty Tricks are back! (With some governing!) They will greatly enhance your survival within the halls of the Towers!
    • Some cards will have translations (to your benefit!), and we’ll have that information for you in-game!
    • All decks will be shuffled and a $3 donation will get you one of these beauties.
    • We will only re-shuffle discards every hour.
    • A $30 donation will resurrect the shuffled deck within the same hour should peasants want to pool its mystical powers!