Adventurers assemble for the Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet once again Saturday of December, the 14th, 2024! We will contribute donations to the American Cancer Society through the Tiltify fundraising platform bringing funds to bring those afflicted with cancer more hope! We’ve raised another $4,167 at our Gamehole Con 2024 Dark Tower event, and we are very proud to announce we’ve broken the $20,000 mark ($23,579.95) after 5 years of events with your help! We’re targeting passing $5,000 for our goal at Ethermeet this year!
We will be streaming games from 7 AM on Saturday, December 14th, 2024 through to 1 AM CST! Luau Lou of Dandyline Games and Brian Shutter of Super Savage Systems are planning something special, and they will be running “late night”: they will be cooking up some entertaining RPG runs in the genre of the late-night horror movie schlocks of times past, starting with Insanti Clawz hosting the Final Admission Theater and Half-Price Oyster Bar! It will be awesome! It is definitely something you’ll not want to miss with these creatives!
Ethermeet is a “play-a-thon”-style event that will be hosted on Twitch channel DCC Mayhem to do Good for the American Cancer Society and its great works! Come and spread some holiday cheer for those in need of their services.
Check out the awesome line-up of Judges that will entertain you throughout the day!
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2024 Game Schedule
Time CST | Judge | Title | System |
7:00 am - 10:00 am | CK Chuck Cumbow | The Lost Tower of Sivad | Castles & Crusades |
10:00 am - 1:30 pm | Judge Edwin Nagy | The 12 Days of Orcus, Frog God Games 2024 Holiday Module (DCC) | Dungeon Crawl Classics |
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Judge Jim Meyers | Weird Journey to Corruption | Weird Frontiers |
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Judge Julian Bernick | Find My Monkey! | Umerican Survival Guide |
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Judge Luau Lou Hoefer | Christmas Comes to the Sky-High Tower | Mutant Crawl Classics |
10:30 pm - 1:00 am | Neon Lord Brian Shutter | Death Planet: Nakatomi | Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland |
All donors of $4 or more will receive the Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure 2023: Ethermeet Memorial Token as a thank you for your generosity!

The production and shipping of the token will come to you out of our personal funds; we appreciate your incredible dedication to the cause, and we hope this small expression of our thanks will be a happy reminder of the Good we have done for those in need!
Thank you for your support!

The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet is a fun online streaming event benefiting the battle for the treatments and cures for cancer and providing life-saving information for victims and all individuals for prevention and coping. Dedicated players and Game Masters will be charged up to entertain and bring excitement for the viewers to help us draw donations for support of this great cause! Watch our troupe face the dangers of the crawl and be prepared to give our players and judges fun and outright outlandish in-game elements to embolden or hamper the players while amusing our generous audience! The higher the donation, the stranger things get! There will be hourly raffles for your donations from our incredible sponsors! We are currently in communication with past sponsors and we’ll see what goodies we can award your Great Deeds for the American Cancer Society!
See what Treasures await you for your donation to the american Cancer Society!
Sponsor pledges and prize details are still coming in, with pledges so far from:
- 321RPG
- Dandyline Games
- Dark Nebula Games
- Frog God Games
- Hobbs & Friends
- Per Aspera Games
- Purple Pirate Games
- Purple Sorcerer Games
- Shield of Faith Studios
- Silver Bulette
- Stiff Whiskers Press
- Troll Lord Games
- Wayward Studios
Stay tuned for updates!
See the Game Schedule and Donor Raffle page for the full listing of raffle times so you’re eligible for your favorite products!
And prepare yourself for an online growl and cheer for your MONSTER DONATIONS greater than $25!
Please join us to Do Good in providing funding for this most worthy cause. Thank you!