The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2024
is moving full speed ahead to doing more Good for the American Cancer Society with your help! The event will be on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 7 AM until Sunday, 1 AM CST.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get this submitted in time, but this is a video we made for the American Cancer Society for the event.  Please take this opportunity to learn more about our namesake, Jerry Stefek, and how we strive to continue his ethos of Good:

Our Sessions – Start Times (CST), Judge, and System:  

7:00:00 AM Chuck Cumbow:  Castles & Crusades – The Lost Tower of Sivad
10:00:00 AM Edwin Nagy: Dungeon Crawl Classics – The 12 Days of Orcus
1:30:00 PM Jim Meyers: Weird Frontiers – Weird Journey to Corruption
4:30:00 PM Julian Bernick: Umerican Survival Guide – Find My Monkey!
7:30:00 PM Luau Lou: Mutant Crawl Classics – Christmas Comes to the Sky-High Tower
10:30:00 PM Brian Shutter:  Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland – Death Planet: Nakatomi

The memorial play-a-thon is in memory of Jerry Stefek: gamer, father, friend and altruist. We tragically lost Jerry to aggressive lymphoma in 2018.  Also, Aaron Koelman, DCC superfan, man of iron faith and will, man of supreme kindness and wisdom, who succumbed to his long battle with pancreatic cancer in 2023. And, alas, a friend of our supporters, Matt Bowen, has also been unfairly taken in the last year. We ask for you to help us prevent these tragedies. ALL proceeds from this event, as always, will be donated to further cancer research and patient assistance through the American Cancer Society.  

Any donation of $4 or more will be entered in a drawing for great prizes every hour featuring our awesome sponsors!  Please visit our sponsor site as it is updated for the latest updates! 

AND, there is more goodness to be had – we have two artist contributors who will be using their talents for the cause during the event!

  • Brad McDevitt, legendary Goodman Games artist, will be joining us from 11:00 AM CST until 5:00 PM CST working on an original artwork for the event! We’ll have raffle entries for the artwork available for a $5 donation, and we’ll be checking in with Brad to check his progress through the event! He’ll be hosting his art jam from his Facebook account, should anyone want to keep a window open watching his work! Check out Brad’s art at!
  • Christopher Tupa will be taking requests for sketches during his game with Insanti Claws at the Final Admission Theater and Half-Price Oyster Bar at 7:30 PM CST! Want to see Shrek with a light saber? Bob the BurgerBarbarian? Make your suggestion, make a donation, and Christopher will get to work! Christopher will post the sketches in his blog at his website after the event for everyone to share at! (Don’t forget to check his other art on the site while you are there!)

View our list of extraordinary Judges and players gathering for your entertainment, and see the game and raffle schedule (always being updated, but look at that Judges list!) so you are sure to have contributed by the time your “must-have” creator is scheduled in the raffle lists! Your $4 donation also gets you a thank you from us with your Ethermeet 2024 Memorial Token, this year featuring incredible Weird Frontiers artwork – DESIGN FRESHLY CRAFTED! Thank you, Hazel!

Additionally, at 7:30 PM CST, tune in for a little twist of late-night horror nostalgia with your Judge and host, Luau Lou (as Insanti Claws!), and the late night show at 10:30 PM CST with Brian Shutter!

Finally, DONATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!  If you’d like to support the cause and you can’t make the event, we’d love to have your support!  You can find the instructions and links for donation here!  Thank you for your support!

Please tell your friends about this awesome RPG entertainment event and join us on December 14th on the Twitch channel DCC Mayhem. Your donations, taken through Tiltify, will not only help the American Cancer Society but will also influence our games during this online event. Tell us what chaos or boon you would like our players to encounter, and we’ll put it in the game – donor’s choice!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Hello all!  A brave cadre of crawl heroes played throughout the day on October 19th, 2024 to pit their heroic neophytes against the vastly superior forces of the dark god Set, and emerged victorious through their pluck and donations to the noble cause!  Through their donations in-game and in raffles (of awesome arts – plushie and drawn!), we have a current total of $4,040 to give to the American Cancer Society! That is a full $1,000 more than last year’s totals minus our $2,000 angel donation; that is incredible! Additionally, That puts our Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure’s 5 years of charity events over our $20K mark, to a revised total of $23,579.95! Thank you to all who contributed so generously to the cause! You can see our wrap up blog post here!

71 players (and some first-timers through our Golden Ticket trial characters!) ran through the DCC OAR release of Dark Tower with their 0-level crawlers, taking on this high-level adventure with their cleverness and moxy, uncovering Mitra’s Lions avatars to battle for the cause, while using the power of their donations to move the story and skirmishes forward!  The players were able to recover the pieces of the sacred Lion of Mitra statue and defeat the malevolent lich Pnessutt and his Sons of Set minions to cleanse the defiled Dark and White Towers of Set’s overreaching evil!

This force of heroes has enabled the American Cancer Society to perform their vital research and education, helping to prevent the disease and aid those afflicted in their time of need. THANK YOU, heroes, for giving your treasure to make this possible!

We do have a few things to wrap up for the event, so please read over the following:

  • We are wrapping up on items being awarded – thank you sponsors providing your awesome works! Check out the tournament prizes awarded!
  • We do have an issue with the Jennell Jaquays/Thanatar original artwork that we raffled off; the winner never collected it! We want to get this into the winner’s hands, however they did not leave any contact information on the raffle ticket. If you did participate in the Thanatar raffle and still have your tickets, the winner number was: Green Ticket 326202
    If you are the winner and can send us a picture of the ticket, we’d love to get this awarded to you. Please contact us at Thank you!
  • Finally, we need to emphasize our policy on sending physical rewards post-convention. We posted it this year, but it wasn’t as visible as we would have wanted, so we’ll reiterate it here for future events, as well as display it prominently:
    • We cannot send out physical rewards after the convention, shipping is costly these days, and we cannot continue the process.
    • You can pick up your physical rewards: 1) During the event throughout the day, 2) At the end of the event – we wrap up at 8 PM, 3) In the Atrium on Sunday from 12:00 PM until 2:30 PM.
    • For this round, we’re going to send the items to donors; we’ll have them pay us for shipping if they’d like to still receive them, however, we will foot the shipping cost for this year and add the collected total to this year’s donations giving an extra boost for the American Cancer Society.
    • In the future, uncollected physical items will be reserved for the next year’s event.
    • Please note this policy for future events. We want to get you your rewards for your generous donations, but the post-Con mailing is too much of a burden in time and treasure! Thank you for your continued consideration in this matter!

Finally, we wanted to thank the incredible people involved with making Crawl for the Cure Gamehole: Dark Tower possible:

  • Our incredible Sponsors!  The amount of generosity our sponsors give us to award you for your donations is staggering.  Please visit our sponsors list, review their incredible products and consider purchasing their wonderful works for your holiday and birthday shopping!  Thank you, sponsors for providing so much to encourage our donors to give! 
  • Our incredible Judges:
    • Julian Bernick
    • Gary Cunningham
    • Jason Hobbs
    • Brian Martin
    • Jim Meyers
    • Edwin Nagy
    • Keith Nelson
    • Bjorn Nelson
    • Christophor Rick
    • Paul Smith
  • Jim Meyers – “the builder” – Thank you Jim for your incredible works making the Crawl for the Cure even better!  Jim provided the awesome Judge stands to keep us organized, the Lions Statue of Mitra prop for the event, and if you rang the Gong of Doom in celebration of your character’s demise, was also from the hands of Jim Meyers! Thank you for making things awesome, Jim!
  • Peter Garancis – Peter created the beautiful Pillar of Strength, to visually display and celebrate those loved ones lost to cancer and the strength of those who have survived!  Thank you, Peter, for this wonderful reminder of the effect of cancer in our lives!
  • Bill Walters – for contributing awesome stuff from your collection for donor benefit every year AND being the main support gopher at the Crawl!
  • Keith Nelson – for the concept of the Lion Statue of Mitra, which helped cement a lot to of the mechanics together!
  • Bjorn Nelson – for taking an 8-hour day (probably more!) of Judging Dark Tower, ON HIS BIRTHDAY, taking up HIS ENTIRE SATURDAY of Gamehole Con!  Thank you SO much for your dedication, Bjorn!
  • Bridget Traut – for creating awesome plushies to raffle for the Crawl! And, she has pledged for more next year! Thank you, Bridget! 
  • Nate Marcel – Nate put together the awesome artworks of Thanator/Jennell Jaquays and Akaerrian Keenblade with a few weeks notice! THANK YOU for your incredible efforts to get them to us in time for the event – we appreciate it and the beauty contributed, Nate!
  • Bob Brinkman – For creating the stats for Thanatar, the favorite character of Jennell Jaquays, a red wyrm transforming herself into a human wizard to walk the realms of man. Thanatar was instrumental as an NPC who provided guidance in the Dark Tower and assisted in the end game! Stay tuned for the Crawl for the Cure to present this awesome content to you for your games from this website!
  • Thank you, Ray Teresi, for helping us with the Crawl Operations!
  • Finally, the Crawl for the Cure would not exist if it were not for Steve Seminerio and my wonderful wife Hazel Welch, spending many hours under me as task master! THANK YOU – it was a very crazy preparation time for Dark Tower this year, and the Crawl for the Cure would never have made it (nor would it any other year!) without their above and beyond, dedicated help for the event! THANK YOU!

I want to express my love and gratitude to everyone involved: sponsors, players, Judges and support staff! We continue to make this world a better place every year, and I am deeply in your debt!

Don’t forget, the second week of December (Saturday the 14th this year) we take the Crawl into the sea of bits with The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2024! Our dedicated Judges will once again go into the wee hours of the morning to entertain you! (Take advantage, West Coast – the Luau Lou and Brian Shutter “late-night horror” events are confirmed!) It will be another awesome event with the opportunity to spread some Good to the world! We hope to see you there!


– First, an apology. Cory took some time for some personal and professional tasks and commitments after Ethermeet, and this wrap-up of the event is terribly late. I hope you can forgive me for taking this time, as there were some things that needed to be handled over the period. All rewards minus the Memorial Token should have been met by this time, and you will set your eyes upon that little beauty VERY soon! Thank you for your understanding, and I sincerely apologize for needing the extended time to take care of these tasks.

On Saturday, December 9th, 2023, six Judges of incredible merit ran games from 7 AM CST until 3 AM CST with amazing players in the best roleplaying systems around to dazzle and entertain our most revered patrons which enabled us to earn $3,291 for the American Cancer Society! Our 16 generous sponsors gave our donors 20 hours worth of prizes and major prizes to our top donors! Everyone came together on December 9th to give aid to those fighting this harrowing disease! See your impact with The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure over the last 4 years of adventure and heroic contribution, Crawlers! We should breach $20,000 at our next event! THANK YOU, ALL, FOR YOUR TREMENDOUS SUPPORT!

Thank you, Judges for your exciting hours of adventure to collect for the cause!

  • Castle Keeper Chuck Cumbow of Troll Lord Games: Journey to White Plume Mountain (Castles & Crusades)
  • Judge Edwin Nagy of Frog God Games: The Stone Ado (Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition)
  • Judge Brendan LaSalle of Goodman Games: Dungeon City Limits (XCrawl Classics)
  • Judge Julian Bernick, Goodman Games Author: The Band from Utopia (Umerican Survival Guide)
  • Judge Luau Lou Hoefer of Dandyline Games: The Technomancer of Candy Mountain (Mutant Crawl Classics)
  • Neon Lord Brian Shutter of Super Savage Systems: Cyber Vamps from Beyond the Grave (Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland)

Thank you for giving your time and talents for the cause, and a special thank you to our “late show” participants, Luau Lou Hoefer and Brian Shutter for running into the wee hours of the morning Eastern Time Sunday to keep those donations flowing! Your commitment to the cause is immensely appreciated and bolstered our cause into the night!

Please visit the sites of all of our sponsors and support their superior collections of adventure products! You will not be disappointed!

All the prizes for your generosity should have been mostly completed before the 1st of the year, with a mistaken delayed send fixed recently and the upcoming release of Dandyline’s Unnatural Selections, Vol. 2 product coming soon! Our sponsors brought it to Ethermeet with the awesome products and donors should be wading goblin deep in adventure and excitement through their works!

We have completed the design of The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure 2023: Ethermeet Memorial Token featuring a jaw-dropping XCrawl Classics creation by Doug Kovacs. We are very pleased to present it to you now:

These are on order, and we will get these to you as soon as possible so you can use yours for your Luck or stunning marker token!

“Crawling for the prize, TOGETHER!”

BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE! We have more to come in the year to come before Gamehole Con! I’m going to put together some Sponsor Delves showcasing the products of our incredible donors. Also, I will not fail in getting more of the past Ethermeet sessions back on to Twitch and YouTube! With 20 hours of play this year, I can’t guarantee I’ll get through all the past three years by the next Crawl, but I will attempt this Mighty Deed if I can.

We hope to have an incredible announcement for our community in the near future relating to the Crawl for the Cure, and we will be working this year for another awesome event at Gamehole Con XI!

We are so proud of this generous community that has come together for the cause! Thank you for enabling all of us to make a difference for those in need!

Thank you for your support of The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2023

Hello all! I am sorry for the delay in wrapping up The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2023 this year. I needed catch up with personal and work obligations, and I’ll be honest to say the brainspace needed a bit of a break. All rewards except the Memorial Tokens (I’m working on getting that awesome artwork!) have been sent out to our legendary donors! Below is the message sent to our sponsors and donors – we made an incredible $3,291 over our 20-hour session jam, and had an incredible time of wonderful entertainment during the course of the event. I will follow up with the wrap up, but this was a sincere thank you to our awesome community for their efforts and treasure for the cause!

Hi all!  The Jerry Srefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet stream came to a close last night at 3 AM CST, and we have a current (and AWESOME) total of $3,291 to give to the American Cancer Society for their great works!

I went into a long hibernation yesterday and we’ll continue our work getting everything together over the next few days to get you the full results! We will be trying to automate our processes a bit (writing some scripts for crunching data) and getting your winnings together in e-mails confirming any prizes won during the event with you in the upcoming days.  We’re still working on getting the artwork on the Memorial Token, and we’ll also get that together for you as soon as possible!  In the meantime, you can find everything you have won from your awesome donations at: You can Search or Sort on the HOURLY RAFFLES SCHEDULE table to find all your winnings! We’ll tally up the contribution totals soon and get the major prize winners their prizes as well.  Thanks for your patience as we move this forward!

THANK YOU to all of our incredible DONORS, SPONSORS, GAME MASTERS and PLAYERS for making the Crawl for the Cure possible! (deserved thank yous will be forthcoming!) The team and I are humbled we are all able to make a difference through your support.

Thank you!

Cory Welch and Staff
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure
Twitter/X: @crawlforthecure
Instagram: jerryscrawlforthecure


The American Cancer Society is a leading cancer-fighting organization with a vision to end ​cancer as we know it, for everyone.

The ACS is improving the lives of people with cancer and their families as the only organization ​combating cancer through advocacy, research, and patient support to ensure that everyone ​has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.

A donation of ANY AMOUNT helps improve the lives of cancer patients and ​their families. Here are some examples of how impactful your donation can be!

  • $10 – Helps people find hope and support online through the Cancer Survivors Network
  • $25 – Helps people facing breast cancer connect with trained survivors through the Reach ​To Recovery® program
  • $30 – Assists 1 person find free answers and much-needed emotional support through ​the 24/7 helpline
  • $50 – Provides one free ride to treatment through the Road To Recovery® program
  • $65 – Provides 1 free night’s stay at a Hope Lodge® community for people with cancer ​and their caregivers.
  • $500 – Could help provide ten free rides to treatment
  • $1,200 – Affords free lodging for a guest’s entire stay in a Hope Lodge community

Please join us for Ethermeet and donate to support this cause!


Interest and curiosity rewarded!

Thanks for coming to check out The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2023 and for extending your generosity to donate to the American Cancer Society!  Whether you’re a first-time viewer or a returning fan, we’d love it if you would AMPLIFY your impact by sharing with people you know and inviting them to join in.

This year you can AMPLIFY our reach, and your impact, to do more Good for the American Cancer Society.  On our Tiltify donation page, you can AMPLIFY the campaign by creating your own AMPLIFY link that you can use to share through social media.  The email you provide when creating the link will allow us to track the donations it generates.  Encourage people you know to check out and enjoy Ethermeet and make their own year-end donations to the ACS.  For some friendly competition and to thank you, we’ll award a $50 Amazon gift card to the person whose AMPLIFY link generates the highest donation total by the end of the stream! From the campaign link, press the “Generate amplify link” button and share your link to your social media to start the competition!  Let’s hit that $5,000 goal for the ACS! We’ll contact the winner by e-mail with your prize!

Thank you for your extended support of The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet!


Hello all! Sorry to have been late on an update with this! The check was actually sent last Monday via Certified Mail and arrived on Thursday the 9th of November! Your efforts have given the American Cancer Society $5,000 more capital to use for research, education and aid for those stricken with cancer and their loved ones; THANK YOU for your incredible support in making things better for those in need! Your Mighty Deeds have triumphed!

Most prizes should have been supplied, but there are a few we are still working on with e-mail tag. If you are having any issues with prizes, please let us know. We will be first to admit that with the overwhelming support we were given for the event, our minds were reeling trying to get everybody their due. Please write if you think there have been any issues with your raffle rewards.

THANK YOU, to all of our incredible sponsors for their EXTREME generosity in giving our donors really awesome items for their charitable donations! I will be the broken record – this community is amazing with a huge heart and determination to help those in need! Please visit our sponsors for your gaming and gift-giving needs!

Thank you very much to Alex Kammer and Josh Hoyt of Gamehole Con for always being supportive of the wild ride we have preparing for the Crawl for the Cure events! We appreciate their willingness to help our little crew try to do great things for the community! Thanks for giving our efforts and dreams a home!

Don’t forget, The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2023 is just around the corner! We’ll be hosting it on Twitch channel DCC Mayhem on Saturday December 9th, 2023 from 7 AM CST until 3 AM CST Sunday to give our West Coast supporters some more fun time! Stay tuned – we’ll get this launched soon!

Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday, and we hope to see you at ETHERMEET!

Cory Welch and Staff
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure


On Saturday, October 21st, 2023 at Gamehole Con X in Madison, WI, players came out in force to combat the plague of Rump family which imposed their evil machinations upon them at the Take Back Tegel Manor! event! Our 18 seats were filled most of the day (and sometimes with a line!) with players with a sense of adventure and giving, as we raised an amazing $5,000 in donations for the American Cancer Society! Our total impact from these events over the past 4 years is over $16,000!

A special thanks to everybody who made this possible: Our incredible sponsors (The Holidays are coming, everybody – please consider them!), our incredible Judge and support staff, and ALL the players and their generous donations pushing their Mighty Deeds to this level of Good for those in need! We are staggered by this success, and we will do our best to continue providing top-notch, fun and extraordinary events! Thank you!

The game was played as a full-octane, high-level haunted house with 0-level funnel characters… With a twist! Characters in the twilight, necrotic pocket dimension summoned by the Rumps for their evil plans could contact the souls of formerly defeated enemies, allowing them to come back as avatars of higher levels to fight the terrible family! However, the peons would have to discover these spirits by searching the Manor in their fragile, peasant forms, with much adventure and drama to be had! A wonderful time donating for survival and story led us to an incredible amount that we raised for the ACS!

WITNESS the Treasure Room and the Mighty Monster Donation by a single donor, which is worthy of the giant’s trophy, the Halbard of Broll from the Great Hall of Tegel Manor! The donor contributed $2,000 to the cause to help others! We are honored to accept this for others in need! Thank you!

We have received so many compliments about how much fun our players had, we cannot wait to get back next year with our next adventure! Our sponsors were so generous in their giving to our donating players, I cannot say enough: your donations will get you some pretty sweet loot as you play! Please mark a block to drop in – your deeds do not go unrewarded! Please take look at the INCREDIBLE prize line-up we gave to our players for this event! Thank you, sponsors, for your generosity!

Thank you, all, for your support and enthusiasm for The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure events! We are honored to bring these to you in the memory of Jerry, and other friends and family members of the community who have gone on to their next adventure over the span of the years. A special farewell to Steve Strecker, good friend and gaming buddy of Michael Spredemann of 2 Old Guy Games. We lost Steve this year, and the pictured 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft module, Neither Man Nor Beast was contributed from his collection to the event, to help those in need, in his memory. This community is incredible and we are proud to be able to enable your generosity for the aid of those less fortunate! Thank you, for all of your support!

Please look for us online the second weekend of December (the 9th), for Ethermeet 2023! We’ll have the same level of awesome gameplay you expect and we’ll get our sponsor list out in the near future so you know what to expect for your contributed treasure! It’s just around the corner and we look forward to seeing you there!