Hello all! I am sorry for the delay in wrapping up The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet 2023 this year. I needed catch up with personal and work obligations, and I’ll be honest to say the brainspace needed a bit of a break. All rewards except the Memorial Tokens (I’m working on getting that awesome artwork!) have been sent out to our legendary donors! Below is the message sent to our sponsors and donors – we made an incredible $3,291 over our 20-hour session jam, and had an incredible time of wonderful entertainment during the course of the event. I will follow up with the wrap up, but this was a sincere thank you to our awesome community for their efforts and treasure for the cause!
Hi all! The Jerry Srefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: Ethermeet stream came to a close last night at 3 AM CST, and we have a current (and AWESOME) total of $3,291 to give to the American Cancer Society for their great works!
I went into a long hibernation yesterday and we’ll continue our work getting everything together over the next few days to get you the full results! We will be trying to automate our processes a bit (writing some scripts for crunching data) and getting your winnings together in e-mails confirming any prizes won during the event with you in the upcoming days. We’re still working on getting the artwork on the Memorial Token, and we’ll also get that together for you as soon as possible! In the meantime, you can find everything you have won from your awesome donations at: https://crawlforthecure.net/wpcftc/?page_id=1541 You can Search or Sort on the HOURLY RAFFLES SCHEDULE table to find all your winnings! We’ll tally up the contribution totals soon and get the major prize winners their prizes as well. Thanks for your patience as we move this forward!
THANK YOU to all of our incredible DONORS, SPONSORS, GAME MASTERS and PLAYERS for making the Crawl for the Cure possible! (deserved thank yous will be forthcoming!) The team and I are humbled we are all able to make a difference through your support.
Thank you!
Cory Welch and Staff
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure
Twitter/X: @crawlforthecure
Instagram: jerryscrawlforthecure