Thank you to our awesome sponsors! Please check out their amazing products and purchase them for not only their awesome quality but to thank them for their extreme generosity rewarding you for your participation in the Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure!

Goodman Games

Goodman Games

Creators of Dungeon Crawl Classics (including DCC Lankhmar, Empire of the East and Dying Earth), Mutant Crawl Classics and XCrawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy and Original Adventures Reimagined.

Frog God Games

Frog God Games is a top-tier publisher of roleplaying games, adventures, and supplements for both modern and old school game systems.

Troll Lord Games

Creators of Castles & Crusades and Amazing Adventures based on the innovative SIEGE Engine system, in addition to 5th Edition modules.

Shield of Faith Studios

Bringing us our first taste of DCC Compatible Post-Apocalyptic Sorcery and Super-science in the Crawling Under a Broken Moon zine and its progeny, Umerica! On sale now!

Stiff Whiskers Press

The DCC Compatible, Weird Frontiers Roleplaying Game, for your strange in the West, partner!

Purple Sorcerer Games

Purple Sorcerer Games

Purveyor of DCC Adventures and incredible online tools to enhance your judging and gameplay!

Dandyline Games

Dandyline Games is a 3rd party publisher of Mutant Crawl Classics and Dungeon Crawl Classics products including MCC adventures, “Cover Stories” short form, tri-fold adventures, and the Unnatural Selections monster collections – Volumes 1, 2 and now 3. Also the publisher of the Dare-Luck Club RPG; adolescent misfit adventure ala your favorite 80’s movie classics in the deceptively quaint hometown of Flummoxberg!

Planet X Games

Planet X Games is an award-winning indie publisher known for games, modules and zines compatible with the OSR, DCC and 5E. With an old school feel but modern sensibilities, there’s always an emphasis on fun and making great memories at the table over rules as written and endless pages of charts. Planet X has produced titles such as Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride, Escape from Skullcano Island and The Phylactery series. 

Pacesetter Games

Pacesetter Games has been producing new and old school adventures and supplements since 2008. We have produced more than 50 products in print form, including several boxed sets. In general, we produce content for the world’s most famous fantasy RPG system (Fifth Edition and Classic specifically). Classic incldues B/X, 1st Edition, Swords & Wizardry, and more. We attend several game conventions every year and operate one of the longest-running old school RPG tournaments in the country. Pacesetter has brought back the solo module as well as cross-platform adventures (The Red Queen series). Always remember, your next great adventure is right around the corner!


Limithron is the creator of Pirate Borg, the scurvy ridden, rules light, art heavy RPG based on and compatible with Mörk Borg and inspired by history, fantasy, horror, and rum! Limithron also runs a Patreon producing high-quality, hand-drawn maps, assets and more for RPG games! It is a work of beauty, you won’t want to miss!

Get Haunted Industries

Rev. Joey Royale publishes weird rpg stuff under the banner of Get Haunted Industries (Ninja City, Darkest Dice, Weird Heroes of Public Access, One of Us). See him sing and dance on Goodman Games’ Twitch Show “Joey Royale’s Pizza Party” and on the Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Twitch Show “Raviolis for Randy”. Stay Sick!


The newly re-branded and expanded RPG ruleset where the focus is always on fun and story > physics. Check out their current running Kickstarter to get your expanded 321RPG rulebook and Encyclopedia of Monstergoria! Check out their adventure titles at Exalted Funeral and DriveThruRPG, including their free 321RPG Ruleset and The Hotel Exorcist to try out the system!

Thick Skull Adventures

Adventure awaits! Master of DCC, MCC and even black powder and black magicks in the Old West with funky dice, Thick Skull Adventures is your one-stop for non-stop action!

Marz Press

From the mind of award-winning game designer Marzio Muscedere comes MARZ PRESS. An indie publishing company specializing in adventure modules and game supplements for the Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG. Steel yourself, adventure awaits!!

Gamehole Publishing

5th Edition adventure by Alex Kammer, straight out of the Gamehole!

Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland (Super Savage Systems)

Gonzo Vomitpunk Post-Apocalyptic Cassette Futurism

Half Medieval Fantasy, half Sci-Fi, neon lords of the toxic wasteland is a no-holds-barred to-the-max game! Oozing 80’s and 90’s nostalgia, the game features items from Ninja Stars to Fanny packs in addition to many references to the era.

The creator can be seen on Joey Royale’s Pizza Party on the Goodman Games Twitch Channel.

High Dive Games

Just a regular dude, making fun Third Party Published zines and RPG content.

Orphoric Labs

Ophoric Labs is Christophor Rick, formerly of 2OG Games, who continues to publish 2OG Maidenverse adventures, innovative game resources, quick drop and play scenarios, Madventures (Mad Libs meets group storytelling) and more.

Patreon / DrivethruRPG / Roll20

Dark Nebula Games

Dark Nebula Games is an independent game company dedicated to producing exciting games and quality miniatures. We love a good game and a great cause!

Hobbs & Friends

Hobbs & Friends is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by Jason Hobbs. It covers tabletop role-playing games and other ideas, news, events, games, and things surrounding gaming.

Per Aspera Games

Per Aspera Games publishes modules and zines for Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old School Essentials, Trophy, and other tabletop roleplaying games. Their latest project is A Fairly Odd Tale, a DCC adventure of fairy tales and those who travel through them.

Blind Visionary Publications

Blind Visionary Publications is the brainchild of Trevor and Joel, hatched when they were just wee youths of about 15. Ever since they have been hoping to eventually do something with the idea. Looks like that time is now!

Wayward Studios

The Dark Council of Wayward Studios is dedicated to producing adventures and supplements with the goal of amping the excitement at your table. Our line includes the DCC compatible – From Out of Gnollwhere adventure line and the Weird Frontiers compatible – Wayward Gazette zines, with much more to come!

Purple Pirate Games

3rd Party Publisher of DCC and MCC content.

RPGs for your soul… a small price to pay.

Cranky Clydesdale Publishing

A small publisher focusing on RPG style books and games.

Silver Bulette

Silver Bulette was founded by Ian McGarty and Jayson “Rocky” Gardner. Check out their DriveThruRPG products, Facebook page and the Silver Bulette Blog! Their recent releases have been blazing into Weird Frontiers with The Spattered Patina of the Barbarous Blades and thundering into Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland with the awesome Shadow of The Brutacorn!

Breaker Press

Breaker Press produces grimdark DCC RPG 3rd party content, but has made products for Bump in the Dark RPG, Wild in the Streets Miniature Wargame, and our own skirmish wargame of worker insurrection, Broken Contract!

Studio 9 Games

Featuring the art of C. Aaron Kreader (from the first D&D gold box PC games), Studio 9 Games creates fantasy themed Board and Card games,  DCC/MCC Modules & supplements, and sponsors Rollfunkydice (group dice-rolling for DCC/MCC)!



The incredible worlds and artwork of Doug Kovacs! Take a trip with Doug’s vision today!