Hello Crawlers! I think many of you already know – The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure Ethermeet Memorial Tokens were in the mail last week, as well as all the prizes we are sending from Crawl Central! If you have not received them yet, you will be receiving them soon!

Thank you so much for your support throughout all the Crawl for the Cure events!
The next stage is releasing the live play sessions from not only Ethermeet 2022, but also the “lost” sessions from Ethermeet 2021! I’ve already started editing up Ethermeet 2021, and I will try to get those to Twitch and YouTube as soon as I can manage for your enjoyment; these sessions are much too good not to post them for others to enjoy! “Watch this space!” We’ll keep you up-to-date on the session releases as time goes on!
Take care and wish you all an extraordinary 2023! Game on and never lose your thirst for adventure!
Thank you!
Cory Welch and Staff
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure